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I put in the work and now it’s done. God truly blessed me, and now I can smile. Please check out my book on Amazon. https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/1521269297/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1495841973&sr=8-1&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_QL65&keywords=petals+upon+the+heart&dpPl=1&dpID=51ydTnl%2BWuL&ref=plSrch


Hi Everyone!! My Children’s Book, Momma Taught Me To Fly, is now available on Amazon.com. It’s a sweet, encouraging book that’s a great Keepsake for all children. Here’s the link- https://www.amazon.com/Momma-Taught-Fly-Phanessia-Harrell/dp/1521124868/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?

My eyes glanced upon the approaching countryside of my homestead, Shallow Creek. Wallowing thoughts, thinking on memories of my bewildering life and the uncertainties that held me captured within the simplicity of this obscured place. And yet I loved it, remembering my vicarious feet walking the scenic paths of unforgettable follies.

Loving this novel…. Am I the only one who make faces as they write? I feel what my characters feel and I catch myself
with all these different expressions. Gotta love it!!!


Another piece finished and aimed for your heart…. You’ll find this one in, The Book Of Wisdom’s Poetry. Sharing just a small segment…. Hope you all enjoy.



~~~My life, floating upon a rafter; grabbing hold to wooden planks that sore me with many splinters. Upon my reaching hands I feel them slipping as faith vanishes like tiny iridescent bubbles. My thoughts, wavering, inadequate as the paper fan that tries to cool my tempered face: And Mama would say, “It’ll be alright.”

~~~For this moment, I ask you all to pause; taking a look back, appreciating the changes and growths you have encountered and endured as we all look forward to sequestering our  present hopes and dreams to the optimum level of our lifetime. Love, Respect, and Honor to you all~~~~


I feel the strokes across my brows, but not too heavy of a load that weighs across my mind. I sit and think, pondering- how did I get here? Just within the yesterdays, I had my youth, sparkles and shiny vestures- filled with hopes and dreams imparting my futurist life to live.

It was what it was, so beautiful and yet, there were sometime shadows; but the sweet breaths of life taught me to exhale; and they would vanish, like a puff of smoke my shadows would be gone. Do you remember, as you close your eyes allowing the moments of yesteryears to replay, just for awhile?

Smiles and laughter looking back at a bride of 21, full of life long dreams along with anxiousness, considering all the approaching moments, hours, and days of life portrayed so enchantingly. Years and years utilizing blessings and fulfillment- showers of nurturing rain and the blossoming of little ones upon my breast. No, I dare not wish for days past and gone- but cherishing the thoughts and feelings of yesterday that helped push me on…..

Still, the richness of never forgotten days, stopped, rewind, and set on play, gently cradles my mind. No longer the dreams of a heart unlived, but one that loved unto life, seeking its real treasures. By remembering where I’ve been uncovers where I need to now go forth, hurdling unto a charge I have- to live beyond the days of no return.

I’m walking on, kissed with sunshine being kept by the Most High. I’ll make it through- even along the tracks of life, bit by bit, I’ll reach my appointed destiny; loving the wind in my hair, the breezes upon my flustered face, surviving whatever crosses my path. I’m stronger than what appears, though derailments and many trains whisk by. I’m left on my own, but not really alone.

Straight ahead my feet keep traveling on, trying to keep an upbeat rhythm as I persevere through weary days and cumbersome nights; for there are days coming, I’ll rest. When morning breaks, I’ll awaken unto peace within myself.

Then befalls my joy, sweeping treasures upon the tracks. I’ll smile, and I’ll know just how I got here.Picture3651


That Pivotal Moment You See Truth…. It’s Face Is Black And White: Black With Boldness, And White With Clarity. Boldness and Clarity Pierced Through My Fading Eyes.

That Pivotal Moment You Hear Truth…. It’s Voice Is Loud And Strong: Loud As The Thunder, And Strong As The Planted Trees. Loud And Strong Were The Sounds Protruding My Unfilled Ears.

 That Pivotal Moment Your Mind Excepts Truth…. It’s Feelings Of Laying Upon A Rafter, Watching The Floating Driftwood Carried Out By The Circling Stream.

 Moment By Moment Truth Gains A Captured Soul. Even If You Can’t Touch It, It’s Content Is Real. I Trust My Eyes, That Are No Longer Fading. I Trust My Ears, That Are Now Filled. I Trust My Mind, That No longer Drifts. I Found I Could Handle The Truth; For It Is Written, “The Truth Shall Make You Free.”

 A beautiful bud that has blossomed, yielding soft petals reaching towards the morning sun. Nourish me with the rain and shelter me with your hovering hand. Lovely and quite sustainable are the gifts of life, flourishing unto my being. Strength takes hold of me enabling me to grow within the paths not lined with all tenderness; and yet to continue is but a leap of faith and hope that’s planted within. Forever, a beautiful bud has blossomed, like the earth filled with its earthly treasures, enduring, and forever overcoming with grace and mercy, having all things to work out for my good.

Dedicated To- A dear friend, family, and all who are survivors of cancer

Written By Phanessia Harrell

This is a new year… so I’m doing what I gotta do! Among many things, I’m writing most of the day. New project has emerged…!

This is the book you’ll curl up with when you need a little perception of the things that have always been and will most likely continue to be- which are life’s lessons. When I need a little talking to, I look to mama’s wisdom; when I need answers to bewildering moments that I just can’t seem to grasp, I turn to grandmother’s wisdom… and always, my daddy’s love, support, and strength.

Dedicated to my grandmother- Roena Simon (Muh)

THE SEASON OF MANY WHISPERS….. NEVER TRULY KNOWING FROM WHENCE THEY COME. Should I listen within the soft breezes as the wind blows upon the trickling leaves? hoping to hear within its silent moments, hoping to capture the voices that utter my name. To no avail, to know of words that are disheartening… To no avail, to see the motions of parted lips speaking fables from others that be told; It is what grandmother would say, shaking her head. For I’ve never seen grandmother whisper, and she taught us to not do of the same. I understand her olden ways, preserving them as an heirloom lace. Thinking of her, as she might answer… “Child, this IS the season of many whispers; so close the windows and seal the drafty doors; it’s of no avail from whence they come. Words, they can be truth, and words can be lies…. but when whispered, they are meant to hurt and to despise…..”

I’ll let the whispers carry on, like the sea and roaring oceans, not finding a place among my heart as they drown within the music, the sweet tones of praises. Thank you grandmother, for your lessons are still being learned; they are often opened up as books of knowledge handed down through generations…. Tis the season of many whispers, and yet, I care not from whence they come. They won’t shatter me like pieces of broken glass; they won’t overtake me like quick-sand beneath sinking feet. I want to grow old gracefully, like you grandmother…..beautiful like lustrous pearls and dainty like the fresh spring flowers. Words of grace, they surrounded you, embodied within your tongue that spoke kindness that was- not- whispered; and I truly know from whence they came.DSC04828-002


Any thing and every thing can mentally tell a strory. It could be so profound, something silly, or just plain fun. I’m looking over pictures: I’m taking new pics, weaving a message, imagining them all through new creative eyes.

Although the pics may not be what the writing messages are speculated to be, it will prove that we sometime see things through colorful eyes, coming into our own judgements and visible series of many dramatizations within our minds.

I dedicate these fragmented short stories, poems, etc, to the heart and soul of every life-story filled with tragedies, along with the joy that surrounds and touch us all.

My hope is to write passages that reach the unreachable, and sit upon the beds of weakened spirits, encouraging them… then leaping unto the listening ears, whisping of things that may be- as well as things that could become.

No one really knows the music that plays in the background of someone else’s head. We only think we know- implementing our own truth. I sincerely hope you enjoy- feeling all the emotions of my passionate writings.

Meanwhile, it’s my pleasure to entreat you, like singing a love song that has a special message with each tender tone; or maybe you’ll feel a covering of warmth that spreads, landing upon your lips creating a smile. Buckle up as you journey with me, While Waiting On My Wings.

The Fifth Of Many. This Is Called~~As Though I Fell Asleep

                                      AS THOUGH I FELL ASLEEP

I’ve awaken unto a new life. The bustling of crowds dashing to who knows where. The quick chitter-chatter along with the tipping of hats, not wanting to take a moment to exhale the words- Good Morning.

A fast paste world, no time for smiles, no time for gentle kisses; and my arms can not reach its distance. Even as the winds blow, everything’s hurried along. I asked myself- will we ever hear the whispers?~~ slow down, stop and smell the delicate roses, the sweet honeysuckles, and the aromatic sweet peas.

As though I fell asleep, awaken unto a world that sometimes seem mad…. As though I fell asleep, I’m caught within its scuffle, lost within its big rush.

I want to dance in the rain and embrace the freshness of a new day. I want to share precious moments with family and friends while still daydreaming of many more special times together.

I’ve awaken unto a new life- conforming- and I don’t want it to vanish, just to allow the sunshine to touch my heart; allow the stars to shine upon my soul: and the moon, let it cover the dark nights as I peer within its vastness. Yes, I’ve awaken unto a new life; and I’ll allow it to open up its bright and beautiful pathways- taking me on an inspiring journey leading to- the best of my life.

The Fourth Of Many. This Is Called~~ It All Just Slipped Away ~~

                                IT ALL JUST SLIPPED AWAY

It’s funny how we sometimes think we have life-matters all thought out. We tell ourselves that love is just an emotion, it comes and goes. But it all changes when true love strikes an arrow and its aim hits right on the target. Life then begins to sing many wonderful melodies.

I’m drawn by the sweetness of your soft, alluring perfume; and your loveliness that shines within every dark and dreary place keeps a love-song playing endlessly within my mind. How did I let you slip away? You were mine and I was yours; and we promised, always….

I shouldn’t have taken you for granted, letting careless words come between us, thinking they would be washed away from your heart, like the beach sand upon the edges of the ocean- taken away by the tides rolling in and out. I’m sorry to lose my exquisite shell, so refine- so polish and so delicate.

I thought I’d always laugh, hearing her private jokes that only I knew the real meanings. I thought I’d always smile, looking into her beautiful brown eyes then running my hands through her silken hair. I sit alone, for there is no other love for me- you still hold my heart captive.

Maybe if I told her how much I’ve changed. Only a glance upon my face, it portrays the itched of repenting thoughts that saved the sinking of my heart. I’m now able and willing to be the man of your desiring dreams. I won’t blow this chance; I’ll keep you in the grips of my renewed and trusted hands.

The Third Of Many. This Is Called~~ Life Is A Ray Of Sunshine!~~

                              LIFE IS A RAY OF SUNSHINE!

This world is amazing! I’ve looked beyond the clouds and I’m smelling all the sweet roses within my path. Don’t mess with me, world! I’m not having any of your nonsense, sitting and moping, hanging my head down- I reject each whisper of “You can’t or you won’t succeed.” I don’t want to drown within the muddy slopes– Yeah! I’m definitely walking on sunshine.

I got a lot of living to do… like the birds playing within the trees then flying off to their destiny- I’m placing on my wings and I’m about to fly high. I can envision it all- life, staring- ME!

I’m wasting no time as I gather with family and friends, making memories to last my lifetime.

Here’s to being young, knowing your worth, and climbing to new and better heights. I’m pulling out my best dress and I’m dancing with the stars… I’ve already asked them to always shine- even if it’s just within the twinkling of my own eyes; that’s where it needs to begin, and I’ll take it from there.

The Second Of Many. This Is Called~~Escape Of The Heart~~

                                           ESCAPE OF THE HEART  

I have no strength but that of a whisper…. The towering trees alongside the winding road helped me to lift my eyes, wondering, how far within the atmosphere their branches reach out to touch the heavens; and if I had but a stretching of faith, could I too reach the sky, talking within the ears of God?

I lay beneath the tall sprawling grass, left to my demise. I‘m cold from the morning chilled air, and later, warmed by the glaring sun. Can you see me? I’m buried by the fallen leaves. Can you hear me? My sniffles and tears are wasted.

Somehow, I try, repeatedly, I scream, but my voice is silent. I kick my legs, but they are still motionless, stiff like the black bird struck by his car…. Who- am I?  I’m many mothers, sisters, brothers, friends and others- cut down, lost, and even slain, executed by the unsuspected of life.

I’m quiet in my thoughts, listening for footsteps rushing within my way. I don’t know if I’m dreaming, but it’s okay- it’s a peaceful feeling… I’m calmed, knowing– I’m seen, watched by eyes that veer, bringing light to the darken paths and feet that walk along the winding roads, calling out my name as hope smiles upon my heart. I’ve escaped, within my mind and maybe within the trueness of escape- refusing to take on the name- victim. I’ll be safe again, rather within the heavens or upon the earth.

The First Of Many. This Is Called ~~The Limitations Of Life~~

                                  THE LIMITATIONS OF LIFE

Never allow life to take you places beyond your reputable limits. Trusting eyes, like a baby within its mother’s arms; you trust the world-supposing it will do you no harm. Creeping darkness playing upon the dimly lit streetlights, an innocent face is lost within the covering of night. Wont you flee to a safe place, like beneath the wings of a mother’s prayers. I still see the gleaming eyes, and I hear the childlike laughter…….

I know someone is waiting, watching- hoping for that day of rejoicing…. when a daughter or son has been redeem from the bowels of what they thought were the limitations of life- thinking there’s no hope, no way out, and no love enough to subtain them.

Meanwhile, the truth becomes a lie and a lie becomes the truth as the mask of confusion flaunts about the mind. No more dreams of what life holds, and no fond memories allowed- for they just may recover the soul. I wish my arms were long enough to capture you, my voice- loud enough to encourage you…..

This is why I write, hoping to reach the world, asking it to release our children and let’s cry out together for all of humanity. Together, our voices will carry the message they need to hear-~~THERE IS ONLY ONE LIMITATION OF LIFE, AND IT’S— NOT TO LIMIT YOUR LIFE~~~


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